Does your dog shriek, cower, or cause general destruction when fireworks begin to light up the night sky on the 4th of July and the following nights?
Have you grown tired and bitter about this country's time-honored tradition because of how it negatively affects your anxious pet?
With a few simple tips and help from pet-friendly supplements, you can take back your holiday evening, enjoy the festivities, and help your pet stay calm during this year’s 4th of July fireworks!
Step 1: Exercise your dog
Ensure you are giving your dog an extra long work-out before the fireworks begin. The more tuckered-out they are going into the evening, the less energy they will have to pour into rebelling against the loud noises.
Step 2: Create a safe place for your dog

Step 3: Play some background noises

Vet Tip
Try searching for “calming music for dogs” online. There are hours of free compositions available that are specially designed to help soothe your pet.
Step 4: Positive vibes only!
Step 5: Physical touch and massage

Step 6: Natural supplements and sprays
- L- Tryptophan: This amino acid is found naturally in many protein sources, like turkey, and may support serotonin production. Serotonin is a hormone responsible for maintaining a healthy mood-state in dogs (and humans, too).
- Lavender: By supporting calming effects on your dog's nervous system, lavender may make them less likely to react to the fireworks with a high level of stress.
- Chamomile: This herb may help to support healthy sleep and muscle relaxation while maintaining a balanced mood in dogs. Much like a cup of chamomile tea does for us at bedtime, a small serving for dogs may help to make them feel ready to sleep.
- Thiamine: Otherwise known as Vitamin B1, Thiamin may help support the central nervous system much like lavender does.
- Valerian Root: This herb has been used by humans for many years. Scientists believe it works on brain receptors to help maintain a healthy, calm mood.
- Magnesium: When stressed, dogs burn through magnesium quickly – and when magnesium levels are low, stress levels are more likely to increase. That means, supplementing with this mineral can be important for helping support a balanced mood in dogs.
- Hemp or CBD: These cannabinoids have been widely researched in recent years. In the right doses, hemp and CBD are safe for dogs to consume and have been shown to be effective in supporting moods. When choosing supplements, keep in mind that CBD oil products are typically more potent than hemp products in regard to potent in their calming effects.
Putting the Vet in Vetnique

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